Monday, June 1, 2015

About our Homeschool

God has given me several gifts. The gift of my wonderful husband, Mr. Incredible. The gift of my two young boys, Dash (3) and Lightning (1.5). The gift of words, teaching, counseling, and love. I have so many passions, most of which revolve around homestead living. This holistic movement might be a fad for most people, but for this family it is a way of life. I am hoping to show how our lives run holistically through homeschooling, gardening, cooking, cleaning, and quality time with one another. Our eventual goal is to run a family business utilizing our hobbies and vision for whole living as a guide for what we market. Our name is significant to me in a couple ways, Home BACE learning, contains an acronym. Burrow Academy for Christian Education is our official name for our school, but BACE also stands for: Behrman, Abshagen, Corwin (and Cuthbert) and Ely: the five main families that have raised Mr. Incredible and I into the people we have become today. We want to continue on with the family traditions we grew up with while adding our individual flair. We are working on perfecting our family mission statement which will also be Home BACE learning's mission. I hope you all join us as we share our journey on what it means to live as Stewards on this earth for our Lord. Keep watch for new posts, I will not commit to any schedule at this time, as I continue to have changes in my daily life. Thank you for reading, God Bless! ~Didi